Wealth Management
Dentists work hard. So should their investments.
We’ll make sure the money you put aside for the future is invested sensibly, efficiently and sustainably, to help you achieve your financial and lifestyle goals.
We start by identifying your investment aims and understanding your attitude to risk. That allows us to build a sensible long-term portfolio strategy that you feel comfortable with, and can stick with, over time. Our goal is to make sure that you have a successful investment experience, which we define as being able to sleep at night and still meet all your long-term investment and lifestyle goals.
How to have a successful investment experience
Take the right level of investment risk – it’s a balance between being able to live with your portfolio in the tougher times and not being too cautious, which we’ll help you find
Accept that higher return always comes with greater downside risk – there are few free lunches in investing
Diversify broadly – no one can predict which asset type, country or sector will do well in the future
Avoid looking back and wishing you owned more of what’s just done well – chances are it’s not going to be what does well in the future
Accept that returns come from markets not humans being clever – that’s what the evidence clearly tells us, which is a surprise to some
Keep as much of the market return for yourself – investment costs matter and we work hard to keep them as low as possible
Be patient – there are no short-cuts to building wealth – it’s a slow process
Stay calm and stay the course – there will always be tough times in the markets, but we will help you to see them out
Consider a sustainable investment approach and make a difference by investing responsibly
Be quietly confident that your robust portfolio will get the job done
Take a long-term view – the short term is mainly market noise – and rebalance back to the original strategy regularly along the way
Rely on our strong governance process to make sure that all remains well with your portfolio and that there are no unwanted surprises
Seven investment tips to help you get the most out of your money.
We keep your money safe
Your capital is invested securely through our platform partners
Wealthwide never holds client money
The application process is on-line on a secure site
We use secure password protected portals to communicate
We have a robust, ongoing governance process in place to monitor and maintain your investments
We advise on how to keep your savings and investments safe from fraud
Tax wrappers
We help you invest in a range of products to maximise returns and reduce your tax:
ISAs – to maximise your £20,000 allowance each year
Unit Trusts – great if you want to invest more than the ISA allowance each year
Pensions – including Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) so you can invest in other assets such as commercial property
Investment Bonds – providing a 5% income stream over 20 year
Inheritance tax solutions – investments that can avoid the 40% tax payable on death
Enterprise Investment Schemes & Venture Capital Trusts – these are higher risk investments and offer significant opportunities for some clients
Ongoing oversight of your portfolio
We have put in place a governance process to make sure that the investment process remains robust:
Two external and independent parties sit on our Investment Committee – Albion and Parmenion
Portfolio structures and funds used are reviewed and challenged on a regular basis
New products are identified, reviewed and discussed where necessary
We challenge our approach in light of new evidence that arises
You’ll notice that not much changes quickly, but there is always a lot of work going on behind the scenes
Surprises are simply not in our vocabulary
Investing sustainably
The issue of climate change and greater sustainability of the world’s resources is rightly attracting growing attention. In the same way that we can all make a difference by being aware of our carbon footprint and making better-informed consumer choices, we can also make a difference in the way we invest.
What has increasingly become known as Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing is an umbrella term for investments that seek to deliver positive investment returns while making a long-term impact on society, the environment, and the performance of companies.
That may in part be through the exclusion of some companies, but mainly by allocating more to companies that are trying hard to improve and engaging actively with companies that really need to do better.
We offer a range of portfolios that take steps in the right direction towards improving the ESG credentials of the companies owned, to help make a positive and sustainable contribution to the planet and our future.
This is the start of a journey and over time, the scope and quality of the investment funds available will allow us to take further steps.
“I’d successfully managed my own investments for a number of years but giving the reins to Wealthwide has given me a new level of confidence. They’ve been able to keep a much closer eye on my investments, and I know if anything happens to me, my wife and family can rely on their expert guidance.”
Please be aware of the following investment risks
The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount invested
When investing your capital is at risk
Levels and bases of, and reliefs from taxation are subject to individual circumstances and may be subject to change.
The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate taxation and trust advice and will writing.