The importance of a safety net

This is an extract from the November 2021 issue of Dentistry magazine. 

Dentist and owner of the Regency House Dental Practice in Staffordshire, Asha Ram, shares her journey of a sudden illness and how the team at Wealthwide made sure she and her family could focus on her recovery without worrying about money.

After finishing my regular yoga and meditation session one Sunday morning in February, I felt a sudden and severe pain at the back of my head. After being admitted to A&E, the doctors confirmed I had suffered a bleed on the brain. This was completely unexpected and a huge shock to myself and my family.

Given that I’m only 50, fit and healthy, with a normal BMI, have never drank alcohol or smoked and have been a vegetarian for over 40 years, it just proves this can really happen to anyone.

Prepare for the unexpected

Once the emergency aspect of my illness was over, I began to think about the realities of my situation. I was going to be off work for a while and knew I wouldn’t receive any payment from the NHS for at least four weeks. Fortunately, I had some income protection policies which were set up through my financial advisers, Wealthwide.

I have had a working relationship with Wealthwide for around 25 years. When I first met Thomas Dickson, the founder and Managing Director, I was in my 20s. We discussed various policies that could help me in the event of an illness, accident or unexpected event. I’m so glad I took it seriously back then.

I believed that one of those policies would cover me from the first day I was off work. I got in touch with Bhavna Parekh, the Senior Client Relationship Manager at Wealthwide, and explained my situation.

Bhavna instinctively understood that I would need some help at this stage. She was very professional, incredibly kind, and compassionate. She got in touch with the insurance company and helped manage the process. This meant I had a monthly income whilst I was unable to work.

Bhavna really went the extra mile to help me and her support and empathy were a boost at a very difficult time.

After a few weeks of recuperation, I wanted to get back to work, but I knew I wasn’t well enough to go back full-time. Wealthwide were able to support me in navigating the terms of my insurance policy so that I could begin my phased return.

Looking forward to the future

I have a different perspective on life now and have reduced my working hours to three clinical days a week.

The Wealthwide team continues to help me evaluate my finances and consider what I want my future to look like.

I hope my story will make people think about taking the necessary steps to secure themselves and their loved ones financially, no matter what life throws at them.


Plan ahead for bumps in the road


The price of financial freedom